Friday, May 15, 2015

Manufacturing and the different phases of life

                      The thing about product process in the world and the and the age of people. This is just a comparison what i think of the worlds manufacturing ability . When i see the stuff in my house mostly, the electronic goods , I think of the manufacturing ability of the Chinese people.  And then compare the phases of the human life. I can see the tenure in the mans life of age 30-40 in which he toiling hard to earn his bread being too monotonous in his job of earning his bread.
                     When I login to the Facebook and  whats-app I see the young innovative age of people in there 20 to 30 being active about there ideas. taking on challenges and trying to make them successful.
                    Thinking of the age of 60 to 80 when the senses are falling apart I see the Japanese. Like the old they have achieved lot in there life they seen all the Ups and downs and gained all the experience in the life. Even they try level hard to make the country build it again again from the natural calamities they know the old age will take them one day but the experience keeps them calm and motivates them to lead through.
                    The Teen age 15 to 20 and you keep on fighting with yourself there is more kind of breakage them to make. the parents money is available you can spend as your wish . Like wise crude seems to be the boon to the middle east and should and they also spend it guns and weapons to hur each other. Always hostile as the  teenagers.
                    And the most calm or some what satisfied years of life are from 40 to 50. you are accustomed to the job and work before you and the things you have done with your life either you are completed doing it or you are now you cant much about it.
                   and finally the the rest of the world south Americans, Indians, and Africans since we are born till we only keep on learning from the world.finally this does not mean what age the world it is a baby of mother earth and will keep learning from each other. 


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Next thing about Energy Production and its Byproducts

                   My thoughts regarding the use of fuel, used by mankind over a period of time. Right from staring with the Neanderthal man understands to burn fire wood for his warmth to the use of 21st century fuels like Hydrogen cell, and Uranium.
                 The sale of fuels has been a major source of income from small vendors selling wood stock to the oil exporting countries. the whole of energy landscape is ever changing. We have been burning firewood since long and till the last century we hardly knew the impact and the consequences of burning by products. this meant that we knew how useful this is on Small scale and completely lack the vision of the large scale utilization of the produce fuel.
                 This can be easily seen from the resource utilization of the fuels like crude initially without know to the harmful effects crude as fuel will cause serious constraints like harm to the environment.
this seems to be happening with the current trends suing the battery. We are slowly moving to energy storage options like battery and solar power generation, with the recent launch of the Power wall unit from the Tesla for home users to generate there own energy from the sun. Its good thing to see we reduce the carbon footprint . But this would also mean generation of the tons of waste that will be produce due to the batteries and the wasted solar panels. to be continued.........